「私はリネン(亜麻)が大好き」 “AMO IL LINO”

投稿日:2017.04.06 更新日:

2017年 5月4日 ~11日
MAY 4 - 11

欧州麻連盟(CELC)事務局長 マリー女史(Marie-Emmanuelle Belzung) より、上記 イベント案内のメールがあり、ASABO メンバーの皆様に通達して欲しいとの依頼がありましたのでご案内致します。

2017年 5月4日 ~11日 イタリア ミラノ モンテナポレオーネ

Long time we didn’t exchange by email. I do hope you’re feeling better and that your health is now fine.
CELC is organizing a very big event in Milano from May 4th to 11th Via Montenapoleone and all over the city.
The opening cocktail is on May 3rd evening. As some of your members are travelling in Italy, I thought it may interest them to assist to the cocktail.
So, I’ve asked our communication agency to create a SAVE THE DATE in Japanese ? see attached E SAVE THE DATE.
Would you please accept to transfer it to ASABO members ?

Let us know if some ASABO members will come, then we will se,d them the official invitation when ready.

Dear Manabu

If any ASABO member wishes to attend the cocktail or to visit the exhibition, give them my email to make sure I will personnaly be there to welcome them and to guide them

Regarding your surgery, I actiually thought it was already done. For sure you will feel very better after it and please listen carefully to the doctors and keep calm after the surgery to make sur you recover well…

Kind regards

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