投稿日:2020.01.28 更新日:

Company NameMimasu Co., Ltd.
Company Websitehttp://www.mimasu-k.co.jp/
RepresentativeCEO Yoshiaki Hirose
Postal Code519-0414
Address626, Sata, Tamaki-cho Watarai-gun, Mie
FibersFlax, Ramie
Industry 1Spinning
Industry 2 
Online Shop 
CommentsWe are known in the industry as the top manufacturer specialized in special yarns (with 5,600 spindles of the latest spinning equipment). Our products are highly valued as “Mimasu Fancy Yarns,” and we provide highly fashionable, added-value special yarns in apparel, interior and all other fields and develop new products under a constantly stable and dependable management foundation.
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