投稿日:2020.01.28 更新日:

Company NameAsaki CO,.LTD
Company Website
RepresentativeNorio Asano
Postal Code954-0053
Address1-2-40 Hommachi, Mitsuke-shi, Niigata
FibersFlax, Ramie
Industry 1Commercial
Industry 2 
Online Shop 
CommentsFinding unlimited possibilities in a single thread, we founded the business in raw silk in 1869 (Meiji 2). Since then we have continued our challenge, never stopping in content with current conditions. And this attitude has remained unchanged from our start in the total fashion city of Mitsuke to our position today as the leader of our industry in our prefecture. The development of a company is also linked to individual happiness. And, keeping in mind that both fashion and companies are based on individual people, we hope to continue to heighten our sensibilities and creativity to contribute to the development of a rich and cultural society.
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