投稿日:2020.01.28 更新日:

Company NameTaguchi Co., Ltd.
Company Websitehttp://www.kk-taguchi.co.jp/
RepresentativeCEO, Mikijirou Noguchi
Postal Code494-0002
Address2-1-16, Kagoya, Ichinomiya-shi, Aichi
Industry 1Other
Industry 2Retouching, including fabric inspection, product inspection and repair of fabrics and sewn products
Online Shop 
CommentsOur company was founded a long time ago in 1953 (Showa 28) as a fabric repair business in the textile industry of Ichinomiya, Aichi Prefecture. Our repair and retouching technology for reviving textile products, cultivated over long years of experience, is now blooming in a joint venture in Taicang, Jiangsu Province in China as well.
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